Judul asli: population, modernization, and social structure.
Bibliografi : h. 279.
Judul asli : religion and sociopolitical change.
Nourouzzaman Shiddiqi.
Judul asli: Social anthropology.
Judul asli: Seven theories of human society.
Judula asli : The secretary game two way to play.
Bibliografi: hlm. 121.
Judul asli: open the social science report of the Gulbenkian commission on the restructuring of the social science.
Judul asli: Letter to Christendom.
Diterjemahkan dari : living with teenagers (a guide for muslim parents).
Judul asli:Fundamentalism and intellectual in Egypt.
Judul Asli:Islam and Development.
Judul asli:as-salam al-alami wal-islam.
Judul Asli : Social anthropology.